I want to give you an update on a few things.  First of all, can you believe May is almost gone?  Memorial Day is rapidly approaching which means Summer is almost here.  This means just about all Farmer’s Markets are open.  I have already posted under events where I will be in June.  There is still one Farmer’s Market I added for May. I will be at the Ankeny Farmer’s Market on May 28th (9 to Noon).  Stop and say hi.

The soap-making is going great. I have made some new ones which I will be adding slowly.  Each soap needs to cure for 4 weeks. I do have a couple of new ones coming out first of June.  I will introduce it at the Waukee Market.  Is there one you are looking for?  Just ask.

I know you might be wondering what the badge is above.  I attended the National Soap and Cosmetic Guild on May 12th. It lasted until May 15th in Kansas City.  Many are surprised to learn there is such a thing.  This is a time when the serious soap makers get together and learn new things and see new products. The Guild is very active and provides many services such as lobbying for us to ensure we can continue.  You see the soap and cosmetic standards in the US  differ from those of the EU (Europe). In Iowa, there are only a few soaper makers in the Guild.

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