July Middlebrook Farms Market

This is the first of two Farmer's Markets in Cummings for July.  Please keep in mind the weather.  Storm chances or too hot I may not be there. Email me if you need something at buttercupnaturalsoaps@gmail.com This is always a fun event with Food Trucks and live Music. So bring a blanket or lawn chair […]

Boone 4 H Special Event

I am back for another great show at the Boone County Fairgrounds with the 4 H occurring.  It is two great days of seeing everyone. This year I have many new products that I know you will love.  Don't forget old favorites are still available.

July Adel’s Farmer’s Market

This is the last of the July Farmer's Markets in Adel at the Dallas County Fairgrounds for July.  Please keep in mind the weather.  Storm chances or too hot I may not be there. Email me if you need something at buttercupnaturalsoaps@gmail.com The next time you will see me is the Sweet Corn Feed on […]

July Waukee Farmer’s Market

This has been one busy month for me.  It is nice to be back in downtown Waukee in Triangle Park. So come see me. I will not be back until later in August. You can always email me if you need something at buttercupnaturalsoaps@gmail.com

Adel Sweet Corn Feed

The weather is looking great for the Annual Adel Seet Corn Feed.  I will be in front of the Dallas County Courthouse.  This is where the entertainment will be.  If you are looking for me beyond the Sweet Corn Feed, I am scheduled for August 20th in Adel (Farmer's Market).  Hours for the Feed 9 […]

Middlebrook Farmer’s Market

We are slowly on the downhill with Farmer's Market.  The heat and storms have been relentless this Summer.  Don't worry we still have more markets ahead. However, this is the last one for August.  So come on out to Cummings. We are just a short distance off the Interstate. As usual there will be Food […]

Ankeny’s Farmers Market

I am back for another Ankeny's Farmers Market. This is the last one for August.  I will be back in September.

Adel’s Farmers Market

This is the last time I am in Adel for August but will see you in September.

Waukee’s Farmers Market

This is Waukee's Farmers Market in August. Don't worry I am back the first week in September.

Beaverdale Farmer’s Market

This is the only Beaverdale Farmer's Market that I am scheduled for.  So please join me for the Beaverdale Farmer's Market.

Waukee Farmer’s Market

September is here and we are starting to wrap up Farmer's Market. I am scheduled for two Waukee Farmer's Markets in September.  Tonight is one of them. So join me on September 4th from 4 to 7.